When searching for Commercial Loans to raise capital for your business the closest you can get to a 100% finance option is Business Leasing! Typically one monthly rental payment suffices as a full deposit to purchase that new asset such as equipment, plant or machinery. The cost of installation, maintenance and warranty could be added to the loan too!
If your company needs new equipment then business leasing could be beneficial. Some of the circumstances where leasing could be the logical choice are:-
- You don't have the cash to buy your new equipment but need that asset today.
- You do have the cash, but reducing your working capital may compromise your business.
- You don't need new plant or machinery but you do have exisiting assets that have a good residual value against which a sale and business leaseback finance facility could be utilised.
- Because you can fully offset monthly payments against tax, it makes commercial sense to lease for your business.
- Your business assets have a short useful life span and need to be replaced regularly.
For more information we recommend further reading at our specialist Leasing Finance pages.