Thursday, 18 February 2010

Business Finance and Your Company

Your company requires finance and submitting a proposal to your own bank for a business loan is just common sense.

However, should your bank then decline your proposal, then what you do next can be the difference between success and failure! Many will just make an approach to the rest of the high street with the same, already rejected proposal.

Only at the end of that process will the company owner find a business finance broker. The prospective borrower will still expect high street rates even though that avenue has already been exhausted! Well it's just not going to happen - too late!

The more astute company owner will seek out help after the first rejection. Why? - because that owner will realise that a specialist who deals with business proposals every day will be able to adapt, improve and address any weaknesses in the next approach to maximise success.

So, what kind of business owner are you?

Business Finance at Eland Business Services Limited. Finance for UK companies.